
Issue & Incident management

In the Issue & Incidents module, among other things, incidents, issues and damage are registered. FullyInControl has standard types of incidents with specific intelligent registration forms. On the basis of these smart forms, tasks can be automatically generated for the handling or follow-up of an issue or incident. You can also configure your own registration forms with your own actions. This way you immediately know what to do in the event of a data breach, security incident or, for example, damage. A complete business continuity plan can also be automated with this module. This way you manage the entire processing via FullyInControl. You register specific information in special handling forms in order to be able to report correctly and learn from incidents, issues and damage.

Incidents can be automatically linked to certain risks, processing, measures, insurance policies, standards and laws and regulations. In this way there is always insight into which problems have occurred or which risks have arisen. This can support future decisions. With the incidents and issue module of FullyInControl you can immediately demonstrate that you comply with the registration obligation in this regard from specific legislation and regulations.


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